
1. Sys_Execute
2. Start
3. App_Start
4. ShellExecute

[ ] // include for App_Start()
[ ] use ‘’
[ ]
[ ] // include for ShellExecute()
[ ] use “”
[-] dll “shell32.dll”
[ ] HINSTANCE ShellExecute (in HWND hwnd,in STRING lpOperation,in STRING lpFile,in STRING lpParameters,in STRING lpDirectory, in INT nShowCmd) alias “ShellExecuteA”
[ ] // For SilkTest International and SilkTest v.8.0 and higher, another declaration of ShellExecute() is needed
[ ] // HINSTANCE ShellExecute (in HWND hwnd,in STRING lpOperation,in STRING lpFile,in STRING lpParameters,in STRING lpDirectory, in INT nShowCmd) alias “ShellExecuteW
[ ]
[-] testcase start() appstate none
[ ] Calculator.Start(“C:/WINDOWS/system32/calc.exe”)
[ ] Print(“This is only for main window”)
[ ]
[-] testcase execute() appstate none
[ ] SYS_Execute(“C:/WINDOWS/system32/calc.exe”)
[ ] Print(“You never get here if you dont close calc.exe”)
[ ]
[-] testcase appstart() appstate none
[ ] App_Start(“C:/WINDOWS/system32/calc.exe”)
[ ] Print(“OK, you can get here”)
[ ]
[-] testcase shellstart() appstate none
[ ] // Open file
[ ] ShellExecute (0, “open”, “C:/temp.txt”, “”, “”, 1)
[ ] // Open application
[ ] ShellExecute (0, “”, “C:/WINDOWS/system32/calc.exe”, “”, “”, 1)

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